Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Dearest Diary

At the end of every day when Stella is asleep, I sit down and write in this little diary. Just about the days happenings and our comings and goings. Writing in her diary is my special reflective time of the day; the television is off, cup of tea in hand, scented wheat pack on my shoulders and bed is imminent.

I hope that one day when she is older she will enjoy reading back on the things she did in her first year of life and hopefully it will be special to her when she has children of her own.

1 comment:

  1. that is the most lovely thing! she will love it!
    i have the frankie journal as my 2011 diary - mostly work stuff and to do lists.
    i have also ordered the "One Line a Day" journal. basically - the page is dated and split up into 5 sections to document 5 years of stuff. thought it would be a nice way to document my upcoming wedding and the first 5 years of our marriage (and what ever that brings).
